I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you.

Romans 1:8

My Family

Lauren, I couldn’t have done this without you. You are an amazing wife and my best friend! Thank you for the sacrifices you made on a daily basis while I worked towards completing this project. You are amazing and I am forever grateful for you.

Brooklyn, Owen, Andrew, and Elijah, I love you guys more than you will ever know!

My Church

Thank you Dr. Jeremy McGinnis and Dr. Herschell Baker for allowing me the opportunity to work on this project. Without the support of Woodward Avenue Church of God and Park West Church, it would not have been possible for me to complete this project. I am grateful that God allowed me to serve at both of these incredible churches.

My Friends

To my friends, thank you for your continued support and encouragement along the way.

In loving memory of my friend Sara Hill. You were an incredible inspiration along the way. As I type this line, sitting at Blue Front Coffee Co. I am reminded of the many times you were sitting across from me working on your own schoolwork. I wish you were still here, but I know you are with Jesus.

Thank You!